How To Check Website Backlink For Free

Typically, the purpose of examining website backlinks is to determine the quality of backlinks pointing to a personal site or to obtain backlink information from competitors. A variety of SEO tools, both free and paid, can verify backlinks. This article will delve into the techniques and tools available for free backlink verification on websites.

Free Tools for Backlink Checking

There are numerous tools available for the purpose of verifying backlinks; however, each tool provides distinct information regarding the quantity, quality, and other details it displays. Despite having distinct SEO backlink metrics, each tool provides valuable information. It is possible to compare the results with one another.

  1. Moz

Moz is the preferred instrument among Indonesian SEO blog practitioners for monitoring backlinks. Before using MOZ, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its metrics, such as DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority), and Spam Score. To verify backlinks using MOZ, navigate to the following link: and input the domain or URL of the website you wish to examine.

  1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs has become one of our preferred tools, and we employ it most frequently to evaluate backlinks from potential clients and competitors. Ahrefs employs DR (Domain Rating) and UR (URL Rating) as SEO backlink metrics. Usually, Ahrefs updates its algorithm or affects websites with a low DR. Before employing this potent instrument, it is prudent to acquire an understanding of Ahrefs metrics. To verify the backlinks of a website for free, navigate to and input the domain name for which you wish to verify the backlinks.

  1. Semrush

People frequently use Semrush for SEM (Search Engine Marketing). However, it has begun to enhance its SEO capabilities in response to the increasing popularity of SEO. Semrush utilizes the AS (Authority Score) for backlinks, correlating the backlink’s content with the source’s authority score. To verify backlinks with Semrush, navigate to and input the URL of your website or domain.

  1. Majestic

During the PR (PageRank) era, Majestic SEO tools were highly popular and initially concentrated on hyperlinks. All SEO professionals who manage blogs are likely familiar with this SEO tool. Nevertheless, it is still a valuable resource, despite its current lack of popularity. Majestic evaluates the quality of backlinks by utilizing TF (trust flow) and CF (citation flow). The official Majestic website provides additional information regarding TF and CF. o verify the backlinks of a blog or website using this utility, navigate to and input your domain or URL.

The four tools listed above are the recommended instruments for examining the backlinks of a website, whether it is your own website or the backlinks of a competitor. Although there are numerous free tools available for analyzing backlinks, they typically continue to employ metrics from the four tools previously mentioned. Currently, other services heavily utilize Moz through the Moz API.

Each instrument for verifying backlinks has its own advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps integrating multiple tools can provide a more accurate understanding of a website’s backlink profile. There is a propensity for backlink quality to be superior to backlink quantity among all the tools. Occasionally, websites with numerous referral domains have a low score, and conversely, those with a limited number of referral domains have a higher score.

Use our backlink services to generate high-quality backlinks and surpass your competitors in terms of backlinks. Link building can be quite taxing, so the effort you invest must match the expected SEO outcomes.


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